Cancel anytime, without any questions. Try all the features with 1 free timer
Get started for free
2 months free
2 months free
Get started with time-based content delivery, free forever.
5,000 tracked sessions
25 events per minute
$0.006 per extra session*
Time-based content reveals
Works on all devices
Basic analytics
Simple countdown timers
For growing funnels and serious marketers.
50,000 tracked sessions
100 events per minute
$0.004 per extra session*
Everything in Starter
Advanced analytics
Custom animations
Progress bars & radial countdowns
Trigger timers on scroll & clicks
Unlock the full power of seamless delayed content delivery.
250,000 tracked sessions
250 events per minute
$0.003 per extra session*
Everything in Growth
Domain-specific protection
Dynamic timer adjustments
Custom branding (remove watermark)
Advanced UI customization
A/B testing for timers
Priority support
"Awesome product that-just-works". Took me 10 minutes to add it to my (wordpress) stack. Simple pricing. Great support. If you need something like a "Social Proof"Notification, give it a try!
Luke S.
CEO of
Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know about the product and billing.